white flowers garden



sharing moments of life events

Saying Hello to You

celebrate YOUR moments

You can design and imagine your wedding, the way it best suits you.
I will be on your side, in every step of the way. You can have me for many different service types:

1. writing the script and planning the event

2. Celebrant Service: only performing your dream wedding ceremony, which will be later followed by an official, brief ceremony by someone else to legalize the marriage.

3. Officiant Ceremony: by performing both acts in one. As an Officiant, I would be registering with the State of New York to legalize the marriage with a certificate, after your dream Wedding Ceremony has concluded.

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I am becoming a
Certified Celebrant

Currently studying (online) at AMC, based in the UK to become a Certified Wedding Celebrant, and later a Naming Celebrant.
It provides me the professional qualification with a one-on-one training to perform wedding ceremonies, both types:

  1. as a Wedding Celebrant, and

  2. as a Wedding Officiant in NYS, by registering for a One-Day Marriage Officiant License, for your wedding day.

Learn more about it
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I am looking forward to working with you, and to making your day:

  • special,
  • relaxing,
  • memorable, 
  • the most peaceful, and not to forget
  • the joy it brings.

I will be working with you, to customize it to your needs, with all the flexibility, and to make it YOURS.

It is all about you!

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Where ?

  • New York City

  • Parks, Gardens, Beaches

  • Historic Sites

  • Hotels and Resorts

  • Museums, Art Galleries

Site Permissions if required, can be obtained by me or with your assistance.

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Certified Wedding Celebrant

Although still a student, The Academy of Modern Celebrancy prepares us to a professional career to support couples in making their life changing moments to become more memorable and to provide a legal certificate of their marriage. 

red yellow flower nature

Plan Your Photoshoot

and making the perfect video recoding

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